Find a way to learn what each unfamiliar/difficult word means. Answer: Some of the difficult and unfamiliar words that I encounter are the following: Calloused-having calluses, having an area of hardened skin, the calloused hands of a manual laborer, Clutching- it means to try to hold onto someone or something by reaching with your hand. Baloney- foolish words or ideas, pretentious nonsense Unbearable- too bad, harsh, or extreme to be accepted or endure, not bearable Chimney-a part of the building through which smoke rises into the outside air, the part that Sticks up above the roof Soles-it means the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk. Bent- unenclosed grassland Sometimes when you are reading, you encounter a word, you don't know, guess what its meaning is by context, or try to Google and find the definition, and the other way is to get the dictionary and find the words that you don't know. Combined the guess and the defini...
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